Automation engineering



AR.CO. srl automation engineering focuses on modeling, simulation and systems control. Being a large field of work, our specialised technicians are selected on the basis of their skills in all areas of engineering with a comprehensive view of the laws of physics.



Inspections and site surveys

Data Sheets for valves and process control instruments

Diagrams | Cause-effect analysis tables

Signal list DCS I / ESD / F&G

PLC Programmable Logic Controller
DCS Distributed Control Systems
ESD Emergency Shutdown System
F&G Fire & Gas
SIL Safety Integrity Level
PCS Process Control System
RTU Remote Terminal Unit

Development of logic schemes of automation and regulation

Graphic process synoptic pages

Technical purchase specifications and requests for tenders

Technical evaluation and alignment of offers

MTO – Material Take Off

Economic quantification of works

Economic quantification of works and Metric calculations

Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, Start- Up